I am a Computer Graphics Pipeline Engineer, specializing in defining tools and pipeline for every discipline of Computer Graphics. With ample industry experience, I am currently serving the Human Interface Design team at Apple Inc. in Culver City, California.
While I pick and drop languages, Python is what I would consider my "native language". Whatever the package may be, if it speaks Python, I will manage to speak to it somehow. I am very passionate about the evolution of Human-Computer Interaction, and feel very fortunate to be working at the forefront of Apple’s Vision Pro emerging technology.
I am fluent in English, Indonesian and Japanese; I am a classically trained guitarist, who's recently been more inclined to play finger-style, with Tommy Emmanuel, Kotaro Oshio (押尾コータロー) and Masaaki Kishibe (岸部真明) being among the few guitarists whose songs I love to play in recent years; I am also a gamer, playing everything ranging from J-RPG, to Action Adventure, to Fighting Games, to FPS.
Andry Jong